Monday, February 4, 2008

Thing 2 Library 2.0

I read through quite a few articles. My reaction is "plus ca change....". 30 years ago OCLC and MARC were revolutionary, then online catalogs and ILSs. The library world has always adapted to and used new technology. Changes come faster these days but eventually a certain level of change will come to all libraries. Web 2.0/Library 2.o, whatever you call it it's a good opportunity to keep the library relevant to the high-tech oriented segment of our population. We do, however, have to remain relevant to those who aren't as comfortable with these changes. The baby-boomers will remain an enormous population bulge for years to come but there is also another huge population peak coming along as the birthrate in the US spikes so we will need to be aware of ALL our users not just the technolgically sophisticated ones.

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